CONNECT | Physiotherapy
Inspired Physiotherapy For Active Adults And Their Families
Physiotherapy at CONNECT is all about more.
More one-on-one time with your physiotherapist.
More listening to your concerns, your goals, and your needs.
Helping you create more clarity around your diagnosis and your treatment plan so that you know how you're going to get where you want to go.
We're helping you get more out of life, one step at a time.
Our Story
When CONNECT first opened in May of 2019, physiotherapists Clare and Stephanie had a dream to create a space where practicing physiotherapy meant more than simply getting people out of pain. They knew that, as regulated health professionals, they have the resources and ability to prioritize the long-term health of their clients, creating an environment where physical activity becomes accessible and aligns with the goals of every individual.
At CONNECT, you can expect to spend your appointments exclusively 1-on-1 with your physiotherapist. You can expect to have your concerns heard, and you can expect to gain an understanding of what your injury is and how it happened. You can expect that we want to know more about you than simply what hurts: we want to know about all of the important things you're missing out on, and the important things you want to do when your injury gets better.
Above all, you can expect to experience healthcare from an entirely new perspective, with you at the helm.